Take a look at the new desk lamp that's in the master bedroom. Yes, it's a really neat Corvette lamp. The key not only turns the lamp on and off, it also creates that unique sound of the Corvette engine. The picture is to the right -with a larger version at the bottom of the blog page. I'll add a camcorder clip at a later date, so you can hear that terrific sounding engine. Way cool!
The NordicTrack arrived today. It's big - and heavy. The person doing the assembly can't make it until Thursday night. He is booked solid. So, it will take a little longer to finish the project in what is now being called the "exercise" room. I have to buy a mat to go under the treadmill , before Bob, the guy doing the assembly, arrives. I plan on doing that tomorrow, or Wednesday - when I get together with some of the "CES" boys. We're going to a restaurant in Roseville (Carver's Steak House) and then over to the brand new Fry's store, which is only a few blocks from the restaurant. It should be an interesting outing.
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